Public Art Submission Guidelines

Artists who have successfully completed at least two permanent public artworks or comparable large-scale commissioned works, especially works that are monumental, outdoors, and/or site-specific, may send a submission for our public artist database.

Please submit the materials requested as follows:

  • Please list the project budget rather than the retail price in both the JPEG file name and image list

  • Please list the project location and commissioning agency in the image list

Please submit the following documents as PDFs and images as JPEGs via one or multiple emails up to 10MB each to

Please do not send links to shared Dropbox or Google Drive files.

Application Materials

  1. 15-20 JPEGs, approximately 300 ppi at 7” in the longest dimension*

  2. Image list, including the following for each artwork: PDF document labeled “Surname_ImageList.pdf”) Title, date, medium, dimensions (height x width x depth, in inches), edition size (if applicable), retail price

  3. Resume or CV (PDF document labeled “Surname_Resume.pdf”)

  4. Artist Statement (PDF document labeled “Surname_Statement.pdf”)

  5. Contact Information (including mailing addresses)

    *Please name JPEG files as follows: Surname.ArtTitle.medium.dimensions.retail_2019.jpg

    Example: Smith.NewDay.a/c.40x60.5000_2019.jpg

    Please abbreviate media, such as:

    • a acrylic

    • c canvas

    • I ink

    • mm mixed media

    • o oil

    • ph photograph

    • pn panel

    • pp paper

    • wc watercolor

    • / on (acrylic “on” canvas is “a/c”

Dimensions should be in inches, height x width (x depth for 3D works). Retail price should be followed by an underscore and the year in which you are submitting this image to MDG Art Advisory, such as _2020.