Jasper San Francisco
The art collection at JASPER is about contemporary San Francisco's 21st century style with a nod to it's film noir history. For the lobby, we have introduced dramatic pieces by Reed Anderson that highlight a noticeable handmade quality. Mr. Anderson uses pieces of intricately cut paper as a stencil, which is folded and painted upon itself to create a collaged image. He utilizes printmaking techniques to further embellish the artworks. The signature Lobby pieces is titled "Jasper Rhapsody" and measures 100" by 80". the details in the hand-cuts and the painted and printed stencil become more fascinating as you view them up close.
Jasper Rhapsody 2015 up close
Reed Anderson, New Owl 2016
New Owl 2016 (up close)
Corridor photography by Jason Fox
A series of black and white photographs were commissioned for the Jasper's corridors by local photographer and architect Jason Fox.
Cara Barer, Psychedelic 2015
Cara Barer;s work entitled "Cartographica". treats maps as the primary source material. She paints, rips and tears before binding them into a book form which she has been working with for several years. She then takes these handmade objects and presents them renewed in a photograph. This piece is located in the Lounge corridor at Jasper.
Photographs by Jason Fox
Photographs by Jason Fox